"Across the Pond" can be described simply as: Boy journeys across the pond. Boy meets girl. Boy gets girl. Boy journeys back across the pond.
Fred Squire finds himself traveling from England to America to stay with friends of his parents, while they take a vacation. Fred is not happy that he is being essentially cast away so that his parents can enjoy a trip without him. However, Fred is in for a rude awakening once he reaches his destination in America. He meets Brittany and realizes the trip might not be so bad after all. Fred's journey will take him on an adventure of barbeques, new friends, new enemies, and a baseball game that could change his life.
I do not typically read books that are geared towards younger readers or young adults, but I am very glad that I decided to try this book. It is very well written and kept me engaged to continue reading and finish it in one sitting. It is a heartwarming story of teenage life, love, and angst, as seen by characters that live in different settings. Yet, it is universal in its story, where anyone that reads it, will be able to relate to it. It did not have the quality of being a book that was "too young" for me to read and I believe it will reach readers on every level. I highly recommend this selection.
Thank you for the review I am so glad you liked the book. Book two is currently under way in it's early stages