Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cover Reveal: Secrets

Alice Ward
(Lords of the City, #2)
Publication date: September 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Life is good in Chicago for Blaire Daniels, thanks to the arrival of spring and her new job volunteering at a local orphanage… And thanks to the new man in her life, Cristiano Leventis.

With his dark and mysterious good looks, Cristiano and Blaire connect in a way she never thought possible. As their whirlwind romance takes off the Mediterranean god brings new pleasures to behold both in the outside world and between the sheets.

Blair can’t shake a growing feeling though. Someone is following her, tracking her every move. Sure that it has something to do with Cristiano, she sets out to uncover the truth about her new boyfriend’s past.

What she discovers shocks her and puts her in danger—not just with outside forces, but also with the one man she’s ever really loved.

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Author Bio:

Alice Ward is the bestselling author of dozens of hot and steamy contemporary romances. She’s an amazingly prolific writer, releasing a new book almost every single month. Her books are widely read, especially by women and any other lovers of the romance genre. My Stepbrother, My Lover, was her first smash hit.

Alice lives in Miami with her hunky husband. The beach is her all time favorite place to relax with her laptop and write.

She might or might not have a thing for Gerard Butler (it’s the accent).

To find out what Alice is up to currently, visit

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Elizabeth Miceli
(Barren, #2)
Published by: Swoon Romance
Publication date: August 31st 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Stacey Lorenzo has finished treatment, but is still devastated by her past as she enters college. With drugs and alcohol so readily available, so much freedom, and barely any supervision, Stacey falls back into old habits. Soon it’s a daily dose of partying, self-medicating, and having sex with lots of different guys. As her relationship with Eli destructs, she falls for Jesse, who just so happens to be a drug dealer. Every time she starts to fall back into the memories of her past, Jesse makes it easy to snort away the pain.

But she snorts too much one night; it forces her to question the man she loves and acknowledge her mental and emotional instability. In the second installment of The Barren Series, Stacey must overcome her addiction and make peace with her past if she is ever to be truly happy again.

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“Your nose is bleeding.”

I brought my hand to my nose and nodded.

Ugh. I snorted coke last night.

My whole body contorted and I ran to Derek’s bathroom as quickly as I could. I made it just in time. Blood and acid trickled from my nostrils, vomit spewed violently from my mouth, and tears poured from my ducts.

Eli caught up with me, closed the door, and pulled my hair back into a neat bun. His soft hands rubbed my back gently until finally, after what seemed like years, my body stopped betraying me and calmed. The stress Eli felt was written all over his face; he couldn’t imagine the idea of me being hurt, sick, under his watch. He handed me some tissues for my nose and held me to his chest on the tile floor. He didn’t say a word but I knew that he was worried; he felt betrayed by my choices. I hated that I had let him down again. I cried so hard I threw up again.

Author Bio:

Elizabeth hails from the smallest state with the biggest heart. She started off at The University of Akron and then transferred to the University of Rhode Island. She is a majoring in Human Development and Family Studies and minoring in Psychology. Although she loves writing- she also has a passion for helping others which is why she is studying to become a sex therapist/couples counselor. Elizabeth loves spending time with her family and friends, singing, eating everything Italian, and baking cookies. She is “in love with love” which is probably why the driving force in almost everything she writes is romance. When she’s not getting lost in her characters she can be found waiting for her prince charming in her North Kingstown, Rhode Island home.

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The Mudman

The Golem Chronicles
Book 1
James A. Hunter

Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Shadow Alley Press

Audiobook Date of Publication: August 10, 2016


Number of pages: 415
Word Count: 111,000

Cover Artist: Lou Harper

Book Description:

Levi Adams is a soft spoken, middle-aged Mennonite man—at least he tries to be when he’s not murdering people.

Levi’s a golem, a Mudman, crafted from the muck, mire, and corpses of a World War II concentration camp—killing is just a part of his DNA. He doesn’t like it, but unfortunately he’s been saddled with a divine commission to dole out judgment on those who shed innocent blood. After seventy years as a cold-blooded murder machine, however, Levi’s trying to change his grisly nature. And the AA meetings and church services are helping. A little. But when he runs across a wounded girl, Sally Ryder, during one of his “hunting expeditions,” he realizes self-help may have to go on the back burner.

Someone is attempting to revive a pre-Babylonian murder god, and the road to rebirth is paved with dead bodies. Lots and lots of them.

Now, Levi must protect Ryder—the key to an unspeakable resurrection—and defeat a Nazi mage from Levi’s murky past. But the shadowy mage holds a terrible secret about the Mudman’s unorthodox birth, one offering insight into Levi’s morbid compulsion for bloodshed. It’s a secret Levi would pay anything to uncover: maybe even Ryder’s life. If Levi isn’t careful, he may end up turning into the monster he always imagined himself to be.


About the Author:

Hey all, my name is James Hunter and I’m a writer, among other things. So just a little about me: I’m a former Marine Corps Sergeant, combat veteran, and pirate hunter (seriously). I’m also a member of The Royal Order of the Shellback—’cause that’s a real thing. I’ve also been a missionary and international aid worker in Bangkok, Thiland. And, a space-ship captain, can’t forget that.

Okay … the last one is only in my imagination.

Currently, I’m a stay at home Dad—taking care of my two kids—while also writing full time, making up absurd stories that I hope people will continue to buy. When I’m not working, writing, or spending time with family, I occasionally eat and sleep.

You can visit me to find out more at

June, 1943
He blinked his eyes open for the first time: a newborn stealing his first look at the world, which, in a way, is exactly what he was. Except no squealing, rosy-cheeked infant had ever been so big, so ugly, or so filled with blood-boiling rage. Never had a child been so appalling. He squinted at first, letting in only the merest trickle of light because even the wan illumination from the moon, which loitered over the world like a fat thumbnail, was harsh to his virgin eyes.
Smells came next: the scent of musky earth, the harsh tang of powdery slaked lime—used to mask the reek of decay—and buried beneath that, the sour stink of rotten flesh and burnt hair.
The sky spit down a misty drizzle, fine droplets of cool water that turned his gray skin slick. After a few moments more his eyes adjusted fully, allowing him, at last, to survey his surroundings. Mud and muck, deep brown and goopy, lined everything. It squished beneath his shoulder blades, clung to his arms and legs, and liberally coated the corpses crudely piled to his right. Despite the mud, the bodies appeared almost white, like angry specters waiting for him, welcoming him to this new hell with silent screams and vacant eyes.
How he knew anything was beyond him, since this was the first day of his life, the day—or rather night—of his unnatural birth. Surely, no baby pushed and fought its way into the world with dark and grisly thoughts of murder and death lingering in its mind, with knowledge of mass graves, heinous experimentation, and hasty executions. But he knew such things. Fragments of memories floated and swirled inside his skull, dancing a slow funeral dirge, parading incoherent snatches of imagery through his head.
The Wehrmacht march through the streets in their black spit-shined boots and high-collared, gray wool uniforms. Smart and dashing, those uniforms, dressing up the face of murder in civility and pageantry …
The Luftwaffe soars overhead. The buzz of the single-prop Focke-Wulf and the thunderous roar of the colossal Messerschmitt transport planes fill the air with their racket …
He clutches a small boy to his chest, his body trembling as he hides, holding his breath for fear of being heard. Terror and panic wriggle in his guts as the black-garbed Schutzstaffel—the SS—make their way from door to door, fists rapping on wood, rifle buttstocks smashing out windows, booted feet kicking their way inside …
Then, train cars, loaded to capacity, roll through his thoughts. Bodies press up against one another so tightly he can’t breathe—except he isn’t a he, but a she. And she is searching for her sister. They’d been separated in all the chaos …
So many images, circling around, each screaming more loudly than the last, each demanding he lend them an ear or an eye or a hand. He clutched at either side of his head. Broad, fleshy palms pressed in as though he could simply pulverize the images and send them back to whatever nightmare they’d come from. But they kept coming, and as they came—faster and faster, like a hail of automatic machine gunfire—his chest began to itch and burn. It felt like someone had taken a cherry-red fire iron and jabbed it into the meat covering his breastbone.
A huge hand flew to the pain, his fingers finding crude markings etched directly into the skin, cut deep into the muscle below. As he touched the mark, the jagged wound, the voices and visions coalesced into a single demand. A demand for retribution. The anger came next, flowing from the brand like gasoline pumping through his veins, scorching his insides and propelling him to action. He lumbered to his feet, the muck squishing around his thick toes, and made for the muddy wall of his earthen womb. In reality, an open grave. He dug his digits in and used his flabby, though powerfully built, arms to pull himself upward and free.
He lay on the edge of the pit for a long beat, charting the lay of the land, eyes scanning the dark, which covered everything like a velvety blanket. In the distance, not so far off, he saw a squat building. Some sort of bunker, outlined by the faint glow of light bulbs. He wasn’t surewhat he was. Where he was. Or how he’d gotten there. But, as the brand burned in his chest, he was certain of one thing: someone—or, perhaps, lots of someones—had quite the butcher’s bill to account for, and he was ready to collect.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Today we have the blog tour for Pirate by Eve Langlais! Grab your copy of this new scifi today!

Pirate RDL Ban

About Pirate:


A Galactic Adventure – with a sassy ship – and aliens!


Earth: a space pirate’s dream when it comes to booty, but not a good place to Earth: a space pirate’s dream when it comes to booty, but not a good place to hide when bounty hunters come looking. Pulling up stakes means Rafe must leave his vintage trailer behind, but in the process, he acquires a passenger, a mouthy female who seems to think she’s calling the shots. She’ll soon learn who’s the captain.

And it isn’t Annabelle, his bossy ship.

Travel the galaxy with this gypsy pirate as he looks for treasure–and finds trouble instead. The universe might be out to get him, but he’s not giving in without a fight.

Get Your Copy!

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Exclusive Excerpt:

“What were you doing on Earth?”

He stuck to the most obvious reason, the one he’d cultivated as a cover. “I was on your planet because I needed some rare goods. Given that Earth is out of the way and bound with restrictions on tampering with a developing species, any type of goods from your world fetch a high price at market.”

“So you’re in the import/export business? Funny, I would not have pegged you as a businessman.”

“Don’t say that.” He recoiled at the very idea. The horror. Him, dressed in a suit and tie, his clothing perfectly pressed? He couldn’t help but laugh. He gestured to his body. “Do I look like a businessman?”

“No, but then again, you also didn’t look like a guy who was hiding a spaceship under his house,” she retorted.

“Good point. But I will note that there are more spaceships hiding on your planet than you might imagine.”

“All that superior technology and you can’t help but crash land? And they say women are bad drivers.” The tilt of her lips let him know she teased.

“Where I come from, the women don’t drive at all.”

“Why am I not surprised to hear that?”

“There are reasons we do the things we do.” She would soon learn the universe was a harsh place, especially for females. Better if she began the process now of accepting her new status in life.

“Having a little pinky between your legs doesn’t give you the right to dictate.”

“Little? Lying isn’t attractive, wench. We both know I’m more than adequately endowed.”

To his surprise, she agreed. “Fine. You’re hung, which probably explains why you’re so stupid at times. All that blood loss.”

About Eve Langlais:

~ New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Hello, my name is Eve and I am a Canadian author who loves to write hot romance, usually with hot shifters, cyborgs or aliens. I should warn you that I possess a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor something I like to let loose in my writing. I love to write, and while I don't always know what my mind is going to come up with next, I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a happily ever after. Thanks so much for coming by and checking me out. If you'd like to know more, read some excerpts or find out what's coming next, then please visit me at Or sign up for my new release email list at Happy reading! Eve Langlais

Connect with Eve:

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Enter Eve's Giveaway:

Blog Tour Schedule:

August 26th

blissfully bookerized Excerpt

Reese's Reviews Excerpt

Socially Awkward Book Nerd Excerpt

Barbara Book Reviews Excerpt

Books Need TLC Excerpt

August 27th

Nerdy Dirty & Flirty Excerpt

Milky Way of Books Excerpt

Evermore Books Excerpt

Deluged with Books Cafe Excerpt

I Smell Sheep Guest Post

August 28th

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium Excerpt

DazzledbyBooks Excerpt

Aria Kane Excerpt

AReCafe Playlist

Rabid Reads Excerpt

August 29th

Aly's Miscellany Playlist

cody pimps authors Excerpt

Typical Distractions Excerpt

Paranormal Book Boyfriends Excerpt

Danielle's Domain Excerpt

August 30th

Queens of the darkside Excerpt

The Book Tree Excerpt

Have Words Will Scribble Excerpt

Adria's Romance Reviews Guest Post

Rock Out With Sweet Reads Excerpt

August 31st

Evermore Books Excerpt

Alpha Book Club Excerpt

My Nook, Books & More Excerpt

Penny for My Thoughts Guest Post

Escape Inside the Pages Excerpt

September 1st

Angel's Guilty Pleasures Excerpt

Adventures in Writing Excerpt

G & T's Indie Café Excerpt

Booklover Sue Dreamcast

Have Words Will Scribble Excerpt

Books 2 Blog Excerpt

A Double Shot of Bourbon

A Double Shot of Bourbon
A.C. Land
(Bourbon Series #2)
Publication date: October 18th 2016
Genres: Romance, Young Adult

Lonna Stuart is proud to be the most beautiful girl most people have ever seen. But on the inside she’s dying. Her mother’s grating comments and her boyfriend’s obsessive control are suffocating her.

There’s only one person who sees the real Lonna.

Son of the infamous Bourbon Butcher, Collin toes an invisible line of perfection; he’s a football prodigy; a hard working employee; and, what Lonna’s boyfriend considers, a retard. A slight stutter keeps Collin back from making too many friends, but he observes better than anyone, and he sees things most people miss. He sees the pain in Lonna’s eyes and the sadness in her frown. When she nearly drowns, Collin’s the only one willing to sacrifice himself to save her.

Inspired by Collin’s overwhelming kindness and drawn to the sheer greatness of him, Lonna begins to pull away from her asphyxiating life. But unbeknownst to both of them, Collin’s father, busy planning an epic escape from prison.

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Sequel to:


Author Bio:

Author of the Bourbon series, A. C. Land has been a lover of stories since she first read about Peter Pan giving Wendy an acorn and teaching her to fly. She always dreamed of telling big stories about small towns.

Residing on a cattle farm in Missouri, A. C. loves playing with her rambunctious Jack Russell, Riley, making decorative cakes, taking pictures, drinking pumpkin spice coffee, and hanging out with her nephews.

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Cover Reveal: Malaise Falchion

Malaise Falchion
Paul Barrett

Science Fiction
November 15, 2016

Disgraced during the Demon War, Dwarf investigator Snazdaggin Kundarik (Spade to his friends) wants nothing more than a desk to sleep on, a bottle of grog to drink, and the occasional easy case for quick pay.

Then a mysterious female Elf from the posh side of town shows up and offers him exoneration for his past sins and lots of gold. All he has to do is follow her brother and report his activities. Simple, right?

He should have known better. The simple job soon spirals out of control. Spade finds himself sucked into intrigue, powerful magic, and the hunt for a weapon powerful enough to end the world. Ill-prepared, Spade forges on with the aid of his hapless sidekick and a reluctant female warrior.

Will he survive long enough to save the world and get his grog?

About the Author:

Paul has lived a varied life full of excitement and adventure. Not really, but it sounds good as an opening line.

Paul’s multiple careers have included: rock and roll roadie, children’s theater stage manager, television camera operator, mortgage banker, and support specialist for Microsoft Excel.

This eclectic mix prepared him to go into his true love: motion picture production. He has produced two motion pictures and two documentaries: His film Night Feeders released on DVD in 2007, and Cold Storage was released by Lionsgate in 2010

Amidst all this, Paul has worked on his writing, starting with his first short story, about Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, at age 8. Paul has written and produced numerous commercial and industrial video scripts in his tenure with his forcreative agency, Indievision. He has two published short stories (As You Sow and Double Cross) and one self-published novel (Godchild). He lives with his filmmaker/graphic artist partner and their three cats.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Meant To Be Mine

Today we have the blog tour for Lisa Marie Perry’s Meant To Be Mine! Check it out and grab your copy today!!

MTBM ban

About Meant To Be Mine:

MEANT TO BE MINE_front cover_high resolution

Loving him was hard. Wanting him was so damn easy . . .

Sofia Mercer may have been sick as a teen, but she’s no delicate flower. And she’s proven it by making it on her own and starting a new life away from the town that turned against her, away from the boy who broke her already fragile heart. But when her aunt Luz dies unexpectedly, leaving Sofia with a mountain of regrets and the keys to a quirky boutique, Sofia has no choice but to return to Cape Cod. Only, this new life in her old town comes with complications.


Burke Wolf was Sofia’s first love—a relationship that burned bright and went up in flames. Seeing him again, Sofia can’t help but get caught up in that all-too-familiar tornado of passion and pain. He’s battled his own demons—that much is clear. But Sofia can’t afford to be careless with her heart . . . and loving Burke again might just break it completely.

Get your copy today:

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About Lisa Marie Perry:

LMP_Author Photo_March 2016_color large_OFFICIAL.3

Lisa Marie Perry encounters difficult fictional men and women on a daily basis. She writes sizzling, deep fiction featuring flawed heroes brought to their knees by the love of complicated women. She has received high praise from USA Today and has been nominated for an RT Book Reviews literary award. She lives in America's heartland, drives a truck, enjoys indie rock, collects Medieval literature, watches too many comedies, has a not-so-secret love for lace and adores rugged men with a little bit of nerd.


For laughs, randomness and occasional inappropriateness, visit LMP at

Connect with Lisa:

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Enter Lisa’s Giveaway:

Blog Tour Schedule:

August 22nd

Home.Love.Books Review

Mes Livres Review

Books, Coffee & Passion Excerpt

Captain Reads A Lot Excerpt

August 23rd

Fandomly Bookish Excerpt

What Is That Book About Excerpt

Reese's Reviews Review

Southern Vixens Book Obsessions Excerpt

August 24th

Maari Loves Her Indies Excerpt

Hannah's Lovely Lifestyle Excerpt

Pink Lace & Silver Buckles Book Blog Review

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium Excerpt

August 25th

Adventures in Writing Excerpt

Books,Dreams,Life Review

Reviews from the Heart Review

Books and Things Blog Review

August 26th

Beauties and the book Review

EskieMama Reads Excerpt

Rock Out With Sweet Reads Excerpt

Shannon's Book Blog Review

August 27th

Friends Till The End Book Blog Excerpt

Dog-Eared Daydreams Review

The Book Tree Excerpt

Liz's Reading Life Excerpt

August 28th

Books and Tequila Review

Jen's Reading Obsession Excerpt

books Need TLC Review

2 girls who love books Excerpt

August 29th

Reading Tigress Excerpt

Nerdy Dirty & Flirty Excerpt

August 30th

Socially Awkward Book Nerd Excerpt

Alpha Book Club Excerpt

Ellesea Loves Reading Excerpt

With Love for Books Review

August 31st

E-Romance News Excerpt


Evermore Books Excerpt

Under The Covers Book Lovers Review

September 1st

Red Cheeks Reads Review

Bookworm Dee Reads Excerpt

G & T's Indie Café Excerpt


Sandy Goldsworthy
(The Afterworld Saga #2)
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Publication date: August 29th 2016
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult

AFTERLIFE is the highly anticipated sequel to AFTERMATH by Sandy Goldsworthy. This exciting Young Adult mystery romance is a must-read.

Everything seems perfect for Emma Bennett—she has a new set of friends she adores and a boyfriend she is crazy about. But when Emma sees a picture of her hunky boyfriend kissing another girl, she begins to question if his love for her is real. As she searches for the truth, will Emma be exposed to the dangers of another world?

Ben Parker enjoys the role of high school student and boyfriend to the love of his existence. Juggling his social life with his job in the Afterworld’s Bureau of Investigation is supposed to be easy for the decorated undercover agent. But when some kid captures a photo of him in a precarious position, he’s faced with lying to his girlfriend or erasing her memory. Instead, Ben makes the worst decision of his career. Now, forced to face the consequences, he loses the only thing that matters to him—Emma.

When seemingly insurmountable obstacles separate the lovers, will the two soul mates be able find their way back to each other?

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Grab book 1- Aftermath – for FREE:


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“Do you remember Emma?” Lucas asked.

“As a matter of fact, I do. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Abe held my hand. I remembered meeting him at Ray’s auto body shop, although I could have sworn he looked different. Shorter hair, maybe?

“Nice to see you,” I answered, returning his welcoming smile.

“Lucas, did you ever meet my brother, Henrik?” Abe asked.

“Call me Henry,” he said. He shook hands with Lucas first, then reached for my hand and kissed it gently. “Very lovely to meet you, Miss Emma.” He had a hint of an accent. Even though they both looked like they were mid-twenties, Henry acted much older.

I blushed. That kind of attention might be common wherever he came from, but not here in Westport.

“You’re adorable. I didn’t mean to embarrass you, darlin’.”

Drew returned with a tray full of shots before I had time to answer Henry. After introductions, Lucas gave a toast and everyone drank back the whiskey. I didn’t want one, but I drank it anyway. Actually, I choked on it. I didn’t think any of the guys noticed until Henry put his hand on the small of my back and asked if I was okay.

“Yes. Thank you.”

When I looked up at him, I realized he had a beautiful set of ice-gray eyes. The colors were piercing. Shades of white intermixed with hints of silver and turquoise. The longer I stared, the more the hues changed. Blues faded and whites darkened. Chills ran up my arms, but I couldn’t look away. I strained to keep my eyes open despite how heavy my eyelids felt.

A tingling swept over me until I was completely relaxed.

Like a kaleidoscope, Henry’s eye colors swirled. His pupils dilated.

I closed my eyes and saw a young woman with long, brown hair running through tall grass on a sunny afternoon. I felt the warmth on my skin, tilting my head back to catch the rays. I was tired.

Was I floating?

“Emma, can I get you something to drink?” Abe asked. His hand was on my arm. Stunned, I stared up at him. Did I just fall asleep?

I shook my head quickly. “I’m okay,” I mumbled. My eyes were dry and sore, and the strange sensation, the warm, comforting feeling I had, was gone.

Did I just imagine that?


Author Bio:

Sandy Goldsworthy was raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, blocks from the rocky shores of Lake Michigan. As a child, she fantasized about becoming an author. She jotted story lines in spiral notebooks and drew images of characters that never came to life. Her passion for putting pen to paper began when her high school English teacher inspired her to be more descriptive in her work. Ever since, Sandy dabbled in creative writing, searching for that perfect shade of red and that character you want to get to know.

A graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Sandy is the YA author of the paranormal romance series, The Afterworld Saga. She spends her days managing corporate client programs, and her nights and weekends drafting new plot lines in spiral notebooks. She resides in southeastern Wisconsin with her husband, two children, and an energetic puppy. Learn more at

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Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood
Cynthia Rayne
(Dixie Mafia Series, #1)
Publication date: August 29th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Sometimes it takes a bad guy to catch a killer…

Belle Nunn is a desperate woman. Someone’s following her, watching her—to make even matters worse, she was fired six months ago and hasn’t been able to get a job since. Belle’s down to her last ten bucks has no idea how she’ll make the rent when she’s abducted by Dixon Wolf’s henchman. Belle’s estranged father, Emmett, borrowed money from the Dixie Mafia for his latest get rich quick scheme and—big surprise—Emmett skipped town, leaving her holding the proverbial bag.

Dix is a loan shark and launders dirty Dixie Mafia money. Since his wife died, he’s devoted all his time and energy to the organization—and being bad pays damn good. Belle hasn’t seen Emmett in years and she’d like to keep it that way.

The mob boss is taken with her and offers Belle a job, her empty wallet won’t allow her to refuse—mob mistress. When Belle’s life is in danger, Dix steps into the unlikely role of hero.

Can Dix save her? And can they have a real relationship, one that isn’t based on sex and commerce?

Goodreads / Amazon

Book Trailer:


Author Bio:

Cynthia Rayne is a USA Today bestselling author and co author of the Amazon bestselling Four Horsemen MC series. Cynthia Rayne's first erotic book was written when she was thirteen. Of course, the most risqué scene involved kissing, but it was the talk of her middle school! In her spare time, she enjoys dating, shopping, reading way too many romance novels, and drinking a truly obscene amount of coffee.

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Cover Reveal: The Marked One

The Marked One
(The Marked Series, #1)
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: September 13th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

All Aaliyah had ever wanted was to be invisible…

To not be stared at. To not have to display her lifelong pain everywhere she goes. But society is too blind to see that beauty lies beneath the skin.

Aaliyah only reveals her special mark—a facial birthmark—to the closest people in her life. But when Aaliyah’s friend paints her in a portrait titled The Marked One?, her birthmark is exposed to the world. Now no amount of makeup can keep Aaliyah’s secret.

Tristan Gerardo appears to be a successful CEO, but he is hiding many secrets…

What many don’t realize is that his successful public persona is a mask for his own pain—both of losing a sibling, and his failed marriage.

Tristan buys a portrait called The Marked One?, and is shocked when the subject of the portrait arrives for an interview at his company. He pursues Aaliyah, and while she is cautious at first, she feels an ease around Tristan that she’s never experienced before.

Little by little, Tristan’s secrets are exposed…

While Tristan struggles to keep Aaliyah from finding out how his sister died, she discovers he is still married. He assures her she has his full loyalty and the divorce is just a matter of time, and she desperately wants to believe him. But his estranged wife re-enters his life, and Tristan must figure out how to convince Aaliyah that she means the world to him.

How can Tristan make Aaliyah realize that he loves her for herself, and not because of her notoriety as The Marked One?

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Author Bio:

Chevoque was born as Rochelle de Beer on 15 May 1992 in Klerksdorp, South Africa, and as an only child, the world seemed like a lonely place, until she set her mind free and got lost in the worlds she created for herself. Her writing began at a young age and with numerous stories still waiting to be released from her mind, only time now seems to hold her back. She also has a degree in BSc. Environmental and Biological Sciences, because she's a tree hugging animal lover, who hopes to never use her degree to cause cruelty.

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Tenderfoot (Enova #1)
by Abby Drinen
Genre: YA Sci-fi
Release Date: June 25th 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

“No lights, no sound. But my skin knows this isn’t home. Why aren’t I afraid?”

Orphaned teenagers, Linnea, Sammy, Logan, and Daisy, have never met until they’re drawn into the fabric between worlds, crossing over from Earth to a place called Enova. Leaving behind lives filled with pain and loss they find hope in this new place. Adopted by caring, Enovan families they begin to settle in, but an assassination attempt on their lives changes everything. These four strangers must now band together and unravel the mysteries behind their purpose in Enova if they want to survive.

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Buy Link: Amazon

About the Author
I call Northern California home and share my hearth with my husband, three kids, and a red Rottweiler named Paco. I like to write about real characters in unreal worlds. The question I ask myself when I sit down at the keyboard is: how can I make this next scene a whole lot of fun to read?
Email: (I LOVE to hear from readers!)
Pinterest: (lots of pictures of Enova, plus characters, and other extras!)
Wattpad: (rough drafts of my novellas)
Movellas: (rough drafts of my other stories & novellas)

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Enter to win prizes, including a kindle fire and signed copies of Tenderfoot, by subscribing to the author’s newsletter! See flyer for additional giveaway info!

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YA Bound Book Tours

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cover Reveal: Unleashed

Penelope Marshall
(Mr. Black, #1)
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: September 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Elijah Black, a hardcore Navy SEAL, eats, sleeps, and lives for his missions—and little else…

The self-proclaimed playboy has no time for relationships, unless it’s between the sheets. So he’s more than happy to leave for his newest mission, a quick extraction of a terrorist believed to be responsible for a series of bombings in Europe. But the mission doesn’t go as planned, and the terrorists take Elijah prisoner.

Nasima was only supposed to care for his body, not his heart…

As the nurse charged with keeping the prisoner alive, Nasima is alone with Elijah every day. Sparks fly between them, but Elijah makes it clear he cares little for Nasima’s traditions and only wants her for her body. Still, she grows to care for the broken soldier, and it isn’t long before she begins to dream of abandoning her strict upbringing for Elijah’s tempting embrace.

A passionate encounter leads to more than just feelings…

After Elijah’s failed escape and another beating, Nasima is found comforting him and suffers the consequences. Just as Elijah realizes he will do whatever is necessary to save her, but before they can get to safety, Nasima reveals a secret that may be Elijah’s undoing.

Will Nasima’s secret keep her from breaking through Elijah’s tough exterior in time for another escape, or will he decide to make the journey alone?

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Author Bio:

Penelope Marshall was born in the Philippines, and raised in Southern California.

She picked up writing in early 2016 and instantly fell in love with the craft. Her writing runs the romance gamut from sweet romantic comedies, to tough alpha male military suspense thrillers, with a little young adult, and paranormal thrown into the mix.

A good plot twist is what drives Penelope’s writing, striving for that jaw dropping moment at the end of each book.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Vote to Pick The Book Cover

Author Lisa Brunette is hosting a FUN cover vote-a-thon!

Entering is easy. Readers pick one of 6 cover choices for Lisa’s next mystery book, Bound to the Truth. Everyone whose pick wins gets a free copy of the ebook when it’s released this fall, and one person out of that bunch gets a free, signed copy of the print book!

So, what are you waiting for? Hop on over to Lisa’s blog post and vote:

Check out an excerpt from this upcoming release:

You can find Lisa Brunette online:

Cover Reveal: Harmless Series

A Harmless Little Game
Meli Raine
(Harmless, #1)
Publication date: October 18th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Four years ago I lost my virginity on live, streaming television.

Too bad I wasn’t awake for it.

The video went viral. Of course it would. A Senator’s daughter on camera? Wouldn’t you click “share”? Besides, that’s what three of the four guys in the video did.


They shared me.

But that fourth guy? The nondescript one in the background in the upper left corner of the screen, just sitting on the couch? The only one who did nothing?

Not one single thing.

That was my boyfriend, Drew.

And that was the last time I saw him.

Until today, when my father—now on a path to the White House—hired him as head of security for my new team as I return home after four years of “recovering” in an undisclosed location that involved white lab coats, needles, pills and damage control.

You see, the other three guys never went to jail. Never had charges pressed.

Never faced consequences.

Until today.

Game on.

* * *

A Harmless Little Game is the first in this political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine.

Goodreads / Amazon / iBooks / Kobo

A Harmless Little Ruse
Meli Raine
(Harmless, #2)
Publication date: October 25th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

She has no idea what she’s doing. Loose cannons never hit their targets.

And they take out plenty of collateral damage.

Four years ago Lindsay experienced the unspeakable right before me, and I couldn’t stop them.

But that’s all changed now.

When her father, Senator Bosworth, contacted me to ask — demand — that I protect her, it was a second chance. A shot at redemption.

An opportunity to right an unspeakable wrong.

Controlling Lindsay as she seeks her revenge on the monsters who hurt her won’t be hard.

Containing my own out-of-control feelings for Lindsay and keeping up this ruse of cold-blooded distance will be.

Even harder than admitting to her what really happened that night four years ago.

It turns out I don’t have to, though.

Someone else did it for me.

And I’ll make sure they regret it.

* * *

A Harmless Little Ruse is the second book in this political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine, and is entirely from Drew’s perspective.

Goodreads / Amazon / iBooks / Kobo

A Harmless Little Game
Meli Raine
(Harmless, #3)
Publication date: November 1st 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Turns out there was a second video from that awful night four years ago. Mine wasn’t the only tape.

Too bad mine wasn’t the worst.

Drew can’t protect me no matter how hard he tries, but the roles are flipped now. I have to help him, but I’m not wired that way. Not anymore. That one night changed me more than anyone knows.

More than anyone could predict.

Three men think they’re above the law. They’re right.

But I’m willing to go beneath the law to make sure they never harm anyone else. Their threats don’t scare me.

When you have nothing left to lose because someone took it all away, you create the most dangerous creature imaginable.


Game over.

* * *

A Harmless Little Plan is the final book in the political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine.

Goodreads / Amazon / iBooks / Kobo


Author Bio:

Meli Raine writes romantic suspense with hot bikers, intense undercover DEA agents, bad boys turned good, and Special Ops heroes — and the women who love them.

Meli rode her first motorcycle when she was five years old, but she played in the ocean long before that. She lives in New England with her family.

Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter


Friday, August 26, 2016

Greater Movie and Giveaway

Have you ever had a dream? A dream that you knew was more than likely impossible to reach and many others thought the same thing? Yet, you still held on to that dream and did everything possible to make it happen? I love to hear stories of people that accomplish the impossible, even if it doesn't always end in a happy ending. I like to cheer on the underdog and it gives me inspiration for my own life and dreams.

I encourage each of you to watch the movie entitled Greater. It is the story of Brandon Burlsworth, a guy that dreamed of playing football for the Arkansas Razorbacks. Brandon, as a walk on with the team strives and overcomes and accomplishes his goals. However,the story is about more than a dream, it is a movie about family and faith and sometimes bad things happen to those good people. This movie gets me very excited as I am thrilled that more movies based on Faith and Christianity are starting to be produced. And that these movies don't always show that everything is happy and all works out in the end. There is so much I want to share on this movie yet I don't want to list spoilers so please go watch this movie this weekend!

To share in my excitement on this movie, I have four football jerseys to giveaway. Please comment below with a way to contact you and I will pick a winner on Friday, September 2.

Throne of Lies

Throne of Lies (Amethysta Trilogy #1)
by Sara Secora
Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: August 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

As a seventeen-year-old ruler chafing under the obligations of her bloodline, Princess Amethysta Serelle finds the royal life anything but enchanting.

Betrothed to a nefarious highborn, Amethysta's heart mourns her lost chance at love—that is, until she becomes mesmerized by someone other than her suitor, and her heart begins to beat anew.

Desperate to keep her daughter on the path toward duty and the throne, the queen keeps a deadly secret. But as Amethysta balances the burden of expectations and freedom, the glowing, blue truth will not stay hidden for much longer.

Desire and duty battle on, further complicated by strange occurrences happening to Amethysta’s body. She struggles for control as her once unquestioned reality is obliterated.

Will she discover the truth, in her heart and hands, before it’s too late?

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About the Author
Sara Secora has a passion for all things gamer and nerdy, as evidenced on her YouTube channel, AviGaming. She is also a well-branded voice over artist.

Secora has always been in love with writing, and nearly a decade ago, she finally turned her talents to the arduous endeavor of authoring an exciting fantasy trilogy. Her whimsical stories are full of enchantment, mystique, and insight—destined to intrigue readers of any age.

Secora lives in Detroit, Michigan, where she continues to explore old and new avenues for her talent and hard work.

Author Links:

Excerpt One:
I, Amethysta Serelle, was the final member of the royal family and the sole heir of Northwind. I attempted to defy my destiny at each turn, desperate to break free from my royal bonds. Although I knew it to be futile, I thrashed against them; I believed that doing so was the one thing that kept my sanity intact. All I’d ever wanted was to choose my own path in life instead of just fulfilling a role that had been planned for me since before my birth. Couldn’t my father see I was unfit for the burden of the crown? I couldn’t be the only one to see it—after this morning, I was sure that everyone I’d passed on my way to breakfast agreed with me.

Picking up my spoon, I scooped up some melons and berries and took a bite. But the sweetness of the fruit was nullified by my sour mood. Each day felt more daunting and more overshadowed by thoughts of the future. Being conditioned to become what I’d never wanted to be, while being obligated to leave behind my dreams and bequeathed the crown—that was all that awaited me.

The life of a princess wasn’t what fairytales make it out to be: it was far less glamourous. The reality was that I spent my days locked away inside my cramped tower, under guard wherever I might go. I was not allowed basic things such as friendship. I truly felt more like a prisoner than a royal. The salt in the wound was that each day was painfully similar to the last; the repetition was enough to drive anyone to brink of insanity. See, being royal required one to cast aside all of their pesky dreams, along with their freedom—to dedicate their lives to their duty and to the people without a second thought. For some reason or another, I just couldn’t find my footing within this life. I’d always felt out of place, like I simply didn’t belong.