Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Book Review: 30-Day Method

Title: 30-Day Method
Author: Tracy Anderson
Publisher: Grand Central Life & Style, a division of Hachette Books
Pub Date: September 2010
Pages: 254
ISBN: 978-0-446-56204-1
Price: $25.00 US/$28.99 CAN

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for my honest review.

Synopsis from the publisher:
Did you know muscles get bored, just like people do? And did you also know that there's a 9 out of 10 chance that you're working the wrong muscles when you exercise? With Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method you don't have to worry-her unique workout and eating plan will help you drop the weight and shrink your body in no time.

Based on ten years of scientific research and experience getting clients red-carpet ready-A listers or not-Anderson has developed a revolutionary program that defies genetics to tone, trim, and reshape the body. Most exercises incorrectly focus on bigger muscle groups, such as the biceps or hamstrings, when they shoudl really be working the smaller accessory muscles. Anderson teaches you how to shift this focus, activating and challenging the smaller muscles to achieve a long, lean physique instead of a bulky look. The 30-Day Method will also prevent your muscles from getting bored; and the menus will help boost your metabolism.

This groundbreaking program includes:
*Three proven effective 10-day muscle work sequences
*A dance cardio routing (featured on DVD) targeting the all-important accessory muscles
*Tracy's exclusive 30-Day kick start meal plan and detox
*Dozens of delicious recipes

This comprehensivce plan is unlike any other workout on the market adn it leaves no chance for anything but terrific, fast results.

About the Author:
Tracy Anderson is a fitness trainer, former professional dancer, and creator of the Tracy Anderson Method. She is owner of the Tracy Anderson Studios located in New York City and Los Angeles, and she shares her unique workouts through her successful DVD's and webinars.

My review:
I have to start off by saying that I did not know who Tracy Anderson was when I had the chance to review this book but I am very glad that I didn't let that stop me from checking out her book.

Ms. Anderson starts out by telling her story and struggle with weight and how she came up with her own method to combat that struggle. I like when anyone is trying to get their method or ideas out to the public and they share their own story. It makes it more personal and real for me and that there is someone that has been through what I am going through and here is what they did to fix it.

The book chronicles the method and how to follow the plan with specific details of what to do and what not to do. The plan consists of three components: Muscle Design Work, Cardio Complement, and the Menu Plan. Pictures are included of how to properly do the stretches and exercises that make this method work. However, a DVD is also included with the book for you to follow along with on your journey with this method. I love that this book includes all you need to fully do this plan. Often you will have to buy a book, equipment, DVD, stretch bands, etc for a weight loss plan and this book includes everything you need with the one purchase.

The Method has you using your accessory muscles to work your body and get fit and toned. There are a series of exercises that you do each ten days to switch it up and keep your muscles from getting bored and to keep the weight loss and toning continuing and not going stagnant after you reach a certain plateau point. Some of the exercises feel odd when you are doing them but I attribute that to not having ever done exercises like this before in using the accessory muscles and I think once my body gets used to moving in this new way, it will all eventually feel like a natural way to move and exercise. Although I just read this book and haven't had enough time yet to fully do the program for more than a few days, the menu plan is great. It contains food that the normal person would actually eat and have easy access to, you don't have to worry about searching specialty stores for ingredients or spending alot of time in preparation with these recipes.

For those of you that like to keep up with what celebrities use certain exercise regimens, Gwyneth Paltrow is an avid follow of Tracy Anderson's Method and has written the forward to this book. I would love to have comments from any of you that have used this method or start this method-tell me what you liked and didn't like and I hope to post updates here on the blog as I used this method further. You can follow the link below to Amazon and check it out.

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