Friday, November 18, 2011


I know that many book lovers are also writers and aspiring to get published. I would fit into that category and I have started to get my butt in gear lately and really start to work on writing and start submitting in the hopes of being published. I came across some publishers that are looking for submissions and wanted to share with those of you that are like me and dream of one day accomplishing that goal.

The three publishers listed here are looking for fiction submissions.
Bellevue Literary Press
Insomniac Press
Soft Skull Press

Literary Agents looking for Submissions.
Barer Literary
Accept queries via traditional mail and e-mail (no phone or fax queries). This agency is looking for about any fiction genre that is not romance, thrillers and suspense.

Sandra Dijkstra Literary
Has a need for novel submissions, but there's a catch: Sandra Dijkstra herself is not accepting unsolicited submissions. However, four of the other agents in the agency are accepting submissions via e-mail.

Levine Greenberg Literary Agency
Allows prospective novelists to make submissions via an electronic submission form on their website. They represent a wide range of fiction projects—good stories are what they want.

Victoria Sanders and Associates
Accepts novel submissions via e-mail (both query and first three chapters—or about 25 pages in the body of the message). Currently looking for action, adventure, ethnic, feminist, gay, lesbian, literary, and thriller novels.

You can find this information and more at Writers Market.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for sharing these resources! Someday soon I hope to be working on submitting a book proposal... but not quite yet. Right now, I'm working on short stories and looking for short story markets. Good luck with your projects! :)
